Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas - Cousin White Elephant

Reminders, no stealing your own gift. 2steals for 9 people. 2gifts - $5gag pile. $15 - good gift. Have a drop box or use newspaper wrapping. No using kids to your advantage. No family pictures during cousin exchange. Except quick snapshots with a 2 Mississippi count.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Winter Break

Yay~ Winter break! I'm excited to see my extended family again, it's been too long.  The weather has been icky, so that limits the amount of time I can go out and draw. Sucks, but I'll make due.  Going to try to fill up two sketch books this break for the sketchbook review, lets see how that will turn out.

Also, I'm trying to do at least one speed painting a day via photoshop and corel painter.  Hopefully I can keep this up throughout the break and hopefully during the next semester, etc.

That's all I have for now. :P